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๐ŸŸ  Modal

Challenge #20

Created by Thomas Laforge


In this small application, you have an input prompting you to enter a name, and a Confirm button to submit your form. If you enter a name, a confirmation modal will appear; otherwise an error modal will be displayed. In the confirmation modal, if you click the Confirm button, a message confirming the submission of the form will appear. If the user clicks on Cancel, an error message will be displayed.

The goal of this challenge is to test the dialogs inside your application. To do so, we will test the full application like an end-to-end test will do. This means, we will test the AppComponent as a black box and react to events on the page. No internal details should be tested. The difference between an e2e test and integration test is that we will mock all API calls. (All http requests are faked inside this application, but this would not be the case in a real enterprise application.)

You can play with it by running : npx nx serve testing-modal.

The file named app.component.spec.ts will let you test your application using Testing Library. To run the test suites, you need to run npx nx test testing-modal. You can also install Jest Runner to execute your test by clicking on the Run button above each describe or it blocks.

For testing with Cypress, you will execute your test inside and run npx nx component-test testing-modal to execute your test suites. You can add the --watch flag to execute your test in watch mode.


The goal is to test multiple behaviors of the application described inside each test file using Testing library and Cypress Component Testing.