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Getting Started

To get started with Angular Challenges, follow these steps:

Create a Github Account

If you wish to submit an answer, you will need to have your own GitHub account. Additionally, having a GitHub account is always beneficial, and it’s free.

Fork the github project

Navigate to the Angular Challenges Repository and click on the Fork button in the header. This will create a copy of this repository on your own GitHub page.

Clone the repository to your local machine

Select a directory on your local computer and clone this repository.

Open a terminal, navigate to the chosen directory, and type the following command:

Terminal window
git clone[YOUR_GITHUB_NAME]/angular-challenges.git

Open the project in your favourite IDE

Open the project in any IDE of your choice.

Install all dependencies

Terminal window
npm ci

Choose a challenge

Your project is now up and running. The only remaining step is to choose a challenge 🚀

Each challenge consists of:

  • Name: indicating what the challenge is about.
  • Number: order of creation. The number doesn’t have any particular meaning but helps for reference in Github Pull Request section.
  • Badge: helps visualize the degree of difficulty. It’s entirely subjective 😅
    • 🟢 easy
    • 🟠 medium
    • 🔴 difficult